04 January 2012

The pacifier

My wife and I have always had an oddball relationship. It comes with the territory when your first encounter is when you royally piss them off. Yes, I bumped into her stool at a coffee shop (I was getting hot cocoa) and caused her to spill her coffee all down the front of her coat. I then had the gall to take the only open seat (20* outside) there, which was across from her. I apologized majorly, offered to dry clean it, and got mostly ignored. So I just kept talking (kind of like on here...I don't think anyone really pays attention to me).

Needless to say, we became friends. Even though we both secretly liked each other, we became best platonic friends.
We went to movies, ate lunch almost every day together (come to find out we worked right across from each other, downtown). We even had a few sleep overs, with late night Disney movies when my roommate had night shift, and I was watching her daughter.

We fight, usually slap fights, cause they are the funniest, we go to the park to swing, and play on the play ground. We even went sledding a few times with Little roommate.
My wife has no qualms about playing kickball, go kart racing, getting ice cream at 2am, or sleeping on the hammock when it's 30* outside, just because we didn't want to go back inside after the meteor shower.

We do random shit. Because its fun.

About 4.5 years ago, my wife beat a form of leukemia with a 20% 5-year-survival rate. She doesnt take anything for granted. She takes the greatest joy in our kids, because when she started her chemo and radiation, she was told she may never be able to have kids again. That would be a tough pill to swallow for any 26yo.
She didn't let the chemo stop her. She cut back from 60 hours a week, to 40 hours a week, at work, but she kept her energy up as much as possible. She didn't even have to work! She had full coverage, and a compassionate boss, but this woman is passionate about anything she does, and won't quit just because of some dumb cancer.
I met her at the end of her battle, and was there to celebrate the remission, after a particularly rough round of therapy, that found her using a month's vacation.
And that was about the time our random fun started. She needed a pickmeup. Who better for that than one of her favorite singers, Billy Joel?
We flew halfway across the country just to see him in concert.... Because some times you just need random fun in your life.

When is the last time you did something spontaneous?
Our spontaneity of the week was taking the young soldier to breakfast. If for no other reason than kindness and hunger. Last week, I booked us at the ski lodge for our last "vacation" before I deploy. I wanted snow. And I wanted to share it with my kids.
Life is too short to just do the every-day, everyday.
When our twins were 11mo old, I gave my wife a pacifier and proposed we actually try (instead of accidentally) to have another kid. We are crazy, we like adventure.

This mantra doesn't always lead to positive results (it's kinda how I got shot... But I ended up home for my twins birth.... So maybe it was part of a grander plan) but it has definitely made life fun and interesting.

Excuse any rambling or confusing shit...I'm a little drugged.


  1. Sounds like an awesome relationship, if you ask me!

    Billy Joel rocks. Just sayin'.

    Can't wait to read more!


  2. Yes he does! It was an amazing concert, too! "only the good die young" the "virginia" line, in Virginia, got the place exploding


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