16 April 2012

The "What if"s

I asked this question:

LEGIT QUESTION: if you could change one thing in your life, without anything else changing, what would it be?

It didn't actually come out of nowhere, like most of my questions.....
I got a FB message, and friend request from someone today.
Someone who I haven't seen in about 10 years, 4 months, and 16 days.

When Shanna became pregnant, we ended up in a group for young parents.  Most of them were also students at our school.  This girl, Kristen, was due about the same time as us, so she and Shanna ended up getting close.
Within one month of each other, two baby girls were born.  That would have sealed the fate of BFFs, had events unfolded differently.

Because I am a facebook stalker, after I accepted her friend request, we started chatting, and I went snooping through pictures (YES, I even do it with those of you who haven't made your profiles into Ft Knox)
I guess my curiosity was moving faster than my mind, because I clicked on her mobile uploads, and was bombarded with pictures of a 10 year old little girl.
Alyssa is 5' flat, with long brunette hair.  Shes an Honor Roll 4th grader, who doesn't like English class, but excels in math.  She is into competitive jazz dancing (?) and has enjoyed parts in several school plays.
She is outgoing, creative, funny, and smart.  She plays soccer, and hangs out at the park with her friends.
She loves the Jonas Brothers (tolerable) and Justin Beiber (not so much)
She thinks the beach is the greatest place in the world.
Shes loves decorating the sidewalk with colorful chalk designs, and wants to be a designer when she grows up.

Got me thinking (more in depth than usually) how Victoria would be today, had things turned out differently.
As a toddler

At school

Spending spring break at the beach

Her 10th Birthday

Stuff that I would do...

Friends for halloween

Her and her little sister

Photos shared with permission

Its hard to know/imagine what She would be like today.  Would she like the same things Alyssa likes?
Would she be like me?  Would she be like her mother?


Add your thoughts, praise, or belittleance (yes, now a word) here!