07 November 2012

Kristmas Kards 4 Kids

Okay, so we will be collecting Names, Addresses, and mini bios for kids for xmas/holiday cards!

Kids are often left out of the Xmas card exchange, and nothing excited me more, as a kid, than getting my very own mail.
Special needs kids are also very often overlooked.  But everyone deserves to be recognized!

We will keep the Name, Address, Bio protected.  No one will have access to the information other than those writing the cards.

Each card will include a card (duh), a letter from us, and a personalized message!

The info we will need for the recipients by NOV 30th:

First and Last Name

Full Address

Small Bio:
Age, Gender, some quick interests (sports, colors, hobbies, etc) for the personalized message.
And anything you'd like us to include/exclude (at our discretion)
Whether religious remarks are appropriate?

You can email me at: ancora.impartial@gmail.com
Message me through my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ancora.impartial?ref=hl
Or you can contact my State-side assistant: http://www.facebook.com/parentingwithaspergers?fref=ts

These cards are sent at no cost to you.  We have free APO mailing, and the cards have been provided by generous donors.
Understand that these cards will be sent by US soldiers currently deployed to Afghanistan.  We will NOT write anything political, but in the generic insert, there WILL be a description of our daily lives (working in a clinic, and the light, fun stuff we get to do......nothing serious/gory/inappropriate.

Also, if we get a large volume of requests, we may be forced to limit our number of recipients


Add your thoughts, praise, or belittleance (yes, now a word) here!